I think this video, although interesting, is trying to explain how nothingness is non-dual, and I cannot see how that is possible. In other words, I find it hard to be convinced everything is nothing. Self-evidently this nothingness has the potential to become somewhat more than just being nothing. The question is, how much potential? I would argue that this potential is infinite. In which case, asking why is there something rather than nothing, or why there is anything at all more than absolutely nothing, is simply the opposite of asking why anything is less than infinite. This is duality, but both absolutes have no meaning unless there is a balance between the two. This balance is never nothing, nor infinite, but a forced compromise. I would also argue it is the infinite source or First Cause of the universe we see as the forces of nature arising out of nothing. But this Source cannot be anything without being more than nothing and less than infinite ...in other words, finite.
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