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Welcome to my blog about the ultimate questions: Why is there anything, and how is there purpose? If nothing existed before the universe, why does anything exist at all? Why do we exist? Why is there anything at all rather than just absolutely nothing? These huge questions are tackled in this blog.
By S. E. Elwell

God VS Atheism
Ricky Gervais & Russell Brand talk about God and atheism. I give my opinion here. "The absolute" that Russell Brand talks about and...

What Omnipotent Power Created The Universe?
How there is something behind nature that is the opposite of nothing and that is the omnipotent power that created the universe.

Is There Meaning In The Universe?
Professor Brian Cox discusses the possibility of intelligent life other than our own; the danger of dogma within science; and the small...

Is The Universe Conscious?
Infinity is the polar opposite of nothing. Both infinity and nothing are inconceivable until made relative to each other. In other words,...

Does Math Explain The Universe?
Mathematics is always calculable even if there had never been a universe. The sum of 1 + 1 = 2 is always true whether there is anything...

Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
I think this video, although interesting, is trying to explain how nothingness is non-dual, and I cannot see how that is possible. In...

Is the Cosmos a Computer?
The cosmos being a computer sounds to me like a convenient way of explaining how things work based on our current knowledge about how...

The Universe: How did it get here & why are we part of it?
Famous scientist Sir Roger Penrose talks to renowned Christian philosopher William Lane Craig about God and the Universe. Could reality,...

What Is Consciousness?
This excellent video backs up so much of what I'm trying to say in my writing. There is an evolution of the Universe simply because it...

Why is There Anything?
To answer the question of why there is anything at all, we first have to acknowledge that nothing comes from nothing. Nothing is...

Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we exist as part of this something? We know a lot about the "how" of our existence,...

What If Parallel Universes Are Real?
If there is such a thing as parallel universes, then this puts a whole new perspective, not only on the potential for alternative...

Do we need God to make sense of life?
Jordan Peterson debates the psychology of religious belief with atheist academic Susan Blackmore. I wish academics would use their...

What came before the Big Bang? How to get a Universe from nothing.
Many scientists tell us that before the Big Bang there was no space, no time, no matter, just absolutely nothing! Well, whether this is...

NOTHING: The Science of Emptiness
Why is there something rather than nothing? And what does 'nothing' really mean? I would argue that, just as you cannot define...

Is The Universe Digital?
Is it possible we are living in virtual reality? For around a hundred years, science has been discovering some strange results from...

What Does A Multiverse Mean?
If infinity is accepted in science and mathematics then maybe infinite potential needs to be accepted too. If the potential is infinite...

Does the brain create consciousness?
Do experiments support the notion that it is the brain that creates consciousness? If so, what about split-brain patients and brain...

Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese
This video is a fascinating discussion that really makes you think. I would argue that whatever forces the energy that creates everything...

Is God Everything?
Substitute the name God for the concept of "The Infinite" and this changes the argument in my view. The universe seems to have risen...
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