Many scientists tell us that before the Big Bang there was no space, no time, no matter, just absolutely nothing! Well, whether this is true or not, one thing everyone can agree on is that before its existence the potential for the universe definitely existed. But, of course, this potential is far from nothing.
If we could look down from the infinite side of nature (the infinite space-time singularity that the big bang emerged from) I believe we would see this infinite potential settle into workable patterns of potential that are more than nothing. But looking up from the nothingness side these patterns emerge as the finely tuned laws of physics.
Without workable patterns, or without a balancing middle ground between nothingness and infinity neither side is anything. So the infinite side pushes up out of the nothingness side needing to deal with not being infinite – and by needing to be more than nothing. I would argue that this is what forces the fundamental forces of nature and the necessary finely tuned laws that need to create (creation) this harmonious give and take (pushing and pulling) relationship between nothingness and its absolute polar opposite side that is the infinite First Cause.