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The Universe: How did it get here & why are we part of it?

Famous scientist Sir Roger Penrose talks to renowned Christian philosopher William Lane Craig about God and the Universe. Could reality, including the Big Bang and fine-tuning of the Universe point toward a creator God?

Infinity cannot have a beginning or an end otherwise it would not be infinite. Even if there is an evolution of constants and an infinite number of alternative universes and realities, the First Cause is still infinite. And even if there is an infinite succession of aeons, we are still talking in terms of "The Infinite" – so this should leave us with more reverence for the ultimate First Cause, not less.

It seems that the universe began, or emerged from an infinite source (or singularity) revealing its potential to be less than infinite. This infinite source certainly has the potential to act like God with omnipotence, at the very least. I would also assume that if it is omnipotent, it must be omnipresent and omniscient. Maybe it is the only way the infinite positive side of nature can be expressive relative to the infinite negative side or absolute nothingness.

If the underlying source, or singularity, is infinite, then can we dismiss anything lightly, even the notion of God? Let's face it if science can talk in terms of the universe being a computer simulation, then I reckon we are clueless and should not dismiss anything.

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