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Does the brain create consciousness?

Do experiments support the notion that it is the brain that creates consciousness? If so, what about split-brain patients and brain damage?

If you can split a brain into two but the two sides unify in decision-making as a united consciousness, then, in my opinion, this shows how the mind uses the brain for what it needs (as described in this video) in building a soul over time.

My reasoning is that the brain, far from creating the mind, reduces it to be attuned to this world. Just as our senses tune us into our surroundings but cut us off from most of the complexities of what's happening on every level of reality all around us, our whole brain's workings tune us into the experience and spiritual expression of our life whilst cutting us off from the source of our being.

If the soul is the developing potential of our deeper spiritual core (or spirit), this shows where the soul comes from. It is the Infinite Source of all nature and the reason why there is anything at all rather than just absolutely nothing.


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